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Purchase your Homecoming Dance Tix here

10/19/2019 @ 8:00 pm - 11:00 pm

Cost for the dance is $30 a couple. A student MUST bring a date. Location is the Curley Gym


  • The dance is semi-formal. All Curley students must come in school dress code: dress shirt, dress pants, dress shoes, tie/bowtie. A sport coast must be worn. Girls must wear a semi-formal dress. Dresses can be short or long. They must be modest and appropriate in style, cut of dress, and length.
  • All students must arrive to Curley NO LATER than 8:30pm, and CANNOT leave any earlier than 10:30pm.
  • Curley students must have their dates fill out the Guest Permission Form. A copy of her school ID must accompany the form when it is turned in. Forms are due to Curley on Friday, October 18th by 3:30pm.
  • Any questions, please email Ms. Kogler ([email protected] or Mr. Pressimone ([email protected])”.

To purchase your Homecoming Dance Tickets, click on the link below:



8:00 pm - 11:00 pm
Event Category:
2024-25 Download .ics file
