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Welcome to the Alumni Business Directory!   We encourage you to support Curley businesses.   The directory allows you to view businesses by category and by geographic location.  We currently have 94 businesses listed!

You can search for businesses as well.  Some listings include a professional photo of the alum / listing owner – be sure to click on the title listing to see additional information.    If you would like to add a listing, there is an option below.   For changes to the listing, please contact Greg Loftus ([email protected]).

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Networking Works…Curley Connects Works!!

I believe that many small and medium sized companies struggle when it comes to making decisions about how technology can be leveraged to grow, transform, and operate their businesses. I want to help these companies break the logjam and move forward in areas of people, process, and technology investments for their business. By leveraging my over 35 years of experience in the IT industry as an IT leader and a implementor I can provide value to non-technical executive leadership and fill a gap in their leadership team focused on technology investments.

(610) 306-4511
Mark Golczewski (1981) - Principal/Owner