One of Curley’s traditions is the formal distribution of the school ring. With a black onyx, the founding date of 1961 and the Class’ graduation year, the distinctive ring is easily recognizable. This year’s Ring Ceremony took place on Sunday, December 8th during Mass, with proud parents and family members in attendance. Fr. Donald, school president, was the main celebrant and homilist. He blessed the rings and, with Mr. Joseph, the school principal, presented each member of the Class of 2026 with his ring. The Juniors then recited together the Ring Pledge and sang the Alma Mater. Student Government President Tyler Brown introduced the guest speaker, Dr. David Lumsden ’79, M.D., M.S., M.A. Orthopedic Surgeon, and Archbishop Curley Team Physician, who shared a stirring message. After Mass, the students and their guests were able to share refreshments and pose for photos in several prepared locations.