A Day Of Discovery

March 26th, 2023 | Posted By: Joe Gaeta | Posted in Academics, Student Life

Day of Discovery – A Presidential Tour

On Saturday, a group of St. Bonaventure Scholars visited a variety of presidential sites with Mr. Pipkin and Mr. Joseph. The group toured Petersen House (where Abraham Lincoln died) and stopped by the White House and Blair House to discuss presidential history. They visited the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle (site of John Kennedy’s funeral). The Cathedral contains images related to Archbishop Michael J. Curley, who served as the Archbishop of Washington from 1939-1947 while also serving as the Archbishop of Baltimore. The tour included a stop on the National Mall to view the location of James Garfield’s assassination before traveling to Arlington National Cemetery and paying respects at the tombs of William Howard Taft, John Kennedy and the Unknown Soldier.